
    • C. Mc Goldrick and M. Huggard, “Reconfigurable context reactive blended networking and communication courses,” in Teaching and Learning Computer Networking During the Pandemic and Beyond, Online, 2020, p. 1–4.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Reconfigurable context reactive blended networking and communication courses},
      booktitle = {Teaching and Learning Computer Networking During the Pandemic and Beyond},
      editor = {Caesar, Matt and Kurose, Jim},
      address = {Online},
      publisher = {ACM},
      volume = {SIGCOMMEDU},
      pages = {1--4},
      url = {},
      year = {2020},
      type = {article}
      abstract = {This white paper briefly documents the authors experiences in developing and delivering graduate level educational experiences and outcomes in courses substantially built around computer networking content and principles - through traditional academic, blended and wholly online delivery and engagement modalities. The approach, strategies and content have been developed, delivered and refined over multiple presentations, and have been validated with class sizes of over 100 full-time students per presentation.Efficacious graduate education is, of necessity, both individual and collective in scope and nature. A key, perhaps indispensable,component of the nurturing and development of many core graduate attributes is the nature and quality of the mentor/apprentice learning, experience, and interactions that are both mandated and organically fostered during this time. Encapsulating and validating these facets in blended learning or wholly online settings is at the core of this discussion paper.The approach, concepts and principles also translate readily to senior undergraduate settings, and were successfully employed in a pandemic-inspired Innovative Networking solutions challenge that ran in March and April 2020.}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “A Note on Attribute-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption,” IACR Cryptology EPrint Archive, iss. 752, pp. 1-18, 2019.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {A Note on Attribute-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption},
      journal = {IACR Cryptology EPrint Archive},
      number = {752},
      pages = {1-18},
      url = {},
      year = {2019},
      type = {misc}
      abstract = {Group Homomorphic Encryption (GHE), formally defined by Armknecht, Katzenbeisser and Peter, is a public-key encryption primitive where the decryption algorithm is a group homomorphism. Hence it supports homomorphic evaluation of a single algebraic operation such as modular addition or modular multiplication. Most classical homomorphic encryption schemes such as as Goldwasser-Micali and Paillier are instances of GHE. In this work, we extend GHE to the attribute-based setting. We introduce and formally define the notion of Attribute-Based GHE (ABGHE) and explore its properties. We then examine the algebraic structure on attributes induced by the group operation in an ABGHE. This algebraic stricture is a bounded semilattice. We consider some possible semilattices and how they can be realized by an ABGHE supporting inner product predicates. We then examine existing schemes from the literature and show that they meet our definition of ABGHE for either an additive or multiplicative homomorphism. Some of these schemes are in fact Identity-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption (IBGHE) schemes i.e. instances of ABGHE whose class of access policies are point functions. We then present a possibility result for IBGHE from indistinguishability obfuscation for any group for which a (public-key) GHE scheme exists.}
    • [DOI] M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “Additively Homomorphic IBE from Higher Residuosity,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11442, pp. 496-515, 2019.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Additively Homomorphic IBE from Higher Residuosity},
      journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
      volume = {11442},
      pages = {496-515},
      ISSN = {978-3-030-17253-4},
      DOI = {},
      url = {},
      year = {2019},
      type = {inbook}
      abstract = {We present an identity-Based encryption (IBE) scheme that is group homomorphic for addition modulo a large (i.e. superpolynomial) integer, the first such group homomorphic IBE. Our first result is the construction of an IBE scheme supporting homomorphic addition modulo a poly-sized prime e. Our construction builds upon the IBE scheme of Boneh, LaVigne and Sabin (BLS). BLS relies on a hash function that maps identities to $$e^{\text {th}}$$residues. However there is no known way to securely instantiate such a function. Our construction extends BLS so that it can use a hash function that can be securely instantiated. We prove our scheme secure under the (slightly modified) $$e^{\text {th}}$$residuosity assumption in the random oracle model and show that it supports a (modular) additive homomorphism. By using multiple instances of the scheme with distinct primes and leveraging the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can support homomorphic addition modulo a large (i.e. superpolynomial) integer. We also show that our scheme for $$e > 2$$is anonymous by additionally assuming the hardness of deciding solvability of a special system of multivariate polynomial equations. We provide a justification for this assumption by considering known attacks.}
    • J. Joy, D. Gray, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Gerla, “XYZ Privacy,” CoRR, vol. abs/1710.03322, pp. 1-17, 2018.
      author = {Joy, Josh and Gray, Dylan and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {XYZ Privacy},
      journal = {CoRR},
      volume = {abs/1710.03322},
      pages = {1-17},
      url = {},
      year = {2018},
      type = {misc}
      abstract = {Future autonomous vehicles will generate, collect, aggregate and consume significant volumes of data as key gateway devices in emerging Internet of Things scenarios. While vehicles are widely accepted as one of the most challenging mobility contexts in which to achieve effective data communications, less attention has been paid to the privacy of data emerging from these vehicles. The quality and usability of such privatized data will lie at the heart of future safe and efficient transportation solutions.
      In this paper, we present the XYZ Privacy mechanism. XYZ Privacy is to our knowledge the first such mechanism that enables data creators to submit multiple contradictory responses to a query, whilst preserving utility measured as the absolute error from the actual original data. The functionalities are achieved in both a scalable and secure fashion. For instance, individual location data can be obfuscated while preserving utility, thereby enabling the scheme to transparently integrate with existing systems (e.g. Waze). A new cryptographic primitive Function Secret Sharing is used to achieve non-attributable writes and we show an order of magnitude improvement from the default implementation.}
    • [DOI] J. Joy, D. Gray, C. McGoldrick, and M. Gerla, “K Privacy: Towards improving privacy strength while preserving utility,” Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 80, pp. 16-30, 2018.
      author = {Joy, Josh and Gray, Dylan and McGoldrick, Ciaran and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {K Privacy: Towards improving privacy strength while preserving utility},
      journal = {Ad Hoc Networks},
      volume = {80},
      pages = {16-30},
      ISSN = {1570-8705},
      DOI = {},
      url = {},
      year = {2018},
      type = {journal}
      abstract = {Future autonomous vehicles will generate, collect, aggregate and consume significant volumes of data as key gateway devices in emerging Internet of Things scenarios. While vehicles are widely accepted as one of the most challenging mobility contexts in which to achieve effective data communications, less attention has been paid to the privacy of data emerging from these vehicles. The quality and usability of such privatized data will lie at the heart of future safe and efficient transportation solutions. In this paper, we present the K Privacymechanism. K Privacyis to our knowledge the first such mechanism that enables data creators to submit multiple contradictory responses to a query, whilst preserving utility measured as the absolute error from the actual original data. The functionalities are achieved in both a scalable and secure fashion. For instance, individual location data can be obfuscated while preserving utility, thereby enabling the scheme to transparently integrate with existing systems (e.g. Waze). A new cryptographic primitive Function Secret Sharing is used to achieve non-attributable writes and we show an order of magnitude improvement from the default implementation.}
    • R. S. Carbajo and C. Mc Goldrick, “Decentralised Peer-to-Peer data dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 40, pp. 242-266, 2017.
      author = {Carbajo, Ricardo Simon and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Decentralised Peer-to-Peer data dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks},
      journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
      volume = {40},
      pages = {242-266},
      abstract = {Next generation Wireless Sensor Networks will operate as self-regulated ad hoc networks of tiny devices that sense, actuate and communicate in a collaborative, autonomous and decentralised manner. This new context aligns with the paradigms of edge and fog computing where it is paramount to reliably distribute data among a large sub(set) of consumer/producer devices. This paper presents a communications architecture for scalable selective data dissemination in wireless sensor networks which is comprised of a decentralised data distribution layer that is tightly coupled to a reliable gradient-based routing protocol. The system supports mechanisms for selective data pushing and pulling within the sensornet where unstructured Peer-to-Peer content distribution concepts are utilised to fairly distribute pieces of data amongst an overlay of consumer and producer nodes. The system has been evaluated under a variety of network conditions and scenarios, both via simulation and real-world deployment, and it is shown to be reliable, scalable, and capable of distributing data in a fair and efficient manner across the network.},
      keywords = {Wireless Sensor Networks, Peer-to-Peer networking.Decentralised P2P data distribution, Selective data dissemination, Gradient routing},
      year = {2017},
      type= {journal}
    • R. S. Carbajo, E. Simon Carbajo, B. Basu, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Routing in wireless sensor networks for wind turbine monitoring,” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2017.
      author = {Carbajo, Ricardo Simon and Simon Carbajo, Esther and Basu, Biswajit and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Routing in wireless sensor networks for wind turbine monitoring},
      journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
      abstract = {Smart wireless sensor devices are rapidly emerging as key enablers of the next evolution in
      wind turbine monitoring. The potential for in-situ monitoring of turbine elements, employing
      methodologies that are not possible with existing wired technology, make it possible to attain
      new levels of granularity and autonomy in the monitoring of these structures. Wireless sensor
      devices are limited in terms of communication by the range of their radio modules and, thus,
      need to form networks in order to transfer data from distant points. Routing protocols are primary
      enablers of such ad hoc wireless sensor networks and these require the implementation of
      reliable and energy-efficient mechanisms to maximize network reliability and availability. Existing
      routing protocols cannot be directly applied to the monitoring of wind turbines without
      addressing the unique context and operational characteristics of these structures in multi-hop
      wireless communication. This work identifies the potential effects associated with the operation,
      environment and structure of wind turbines in wireless sensor network multi-hop communication,
      and proposes and evaluates a reliable routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
      employed in these domains.},
      keywords = {Wireless sensor networks
      Wind turbine monitoring
      Routing protocol
      Gradient routing},
      year = {2017},
      type= {journal}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “Attribute-based fully homomorphic encryption with a bounded number of inputs,” International Journal of Applied Cryptography, 2017.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Attribute-based fully homomorphic encryption with a bounded number of inputs},
      journal = {International Journal of Applied Cryptography},
      abstract = {The only known way to achieve attribute-based fully homomorphic encryption (ABFHE) is through indistinguishability obfuscation. The best we can do at the moment without obfuscation is attribute-based levelled FHE, which allows circuits of an a priori bounded depth to be evaluated. This has been achieved from the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. However, we know of no other way without obfuscation of constructing a scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth. In this paper, we present an ABFHE scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth but with one limitation: there is a bound N on the number of inputs that can be used in a circuit evaluation. The bound N could be thought of as a bound on the number of independent senders. Our scheme allows N to be exponentially large so we can set the parameters so that there is no limitation on the number of inputs in practice. Our construction relies on multi-key FHE and levelled ABFHE, both of which have been realised from LWE, and therefore we obtain a concrete scheme that is secure under LWE.},
      keywords = {attribute-based encryption; fully homomorphic encryption},
      year = {2017},
      type= {journal}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, Attribute-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption and Additively Homomorphic IBEIACR, 2017.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Attribute-Based Group Homomorphic Encryption and Additively Homomorphic IBE},
      publisher = {IACR},
      abstract = {Group Homomorphic Encryption (GHE), formally defined by Armknecht, Katzenbeisser and Peter, is a public-key encryption primitive where the decryption algorithm is a group homomorphism. Hence it suports homomorphic evaluation of a single algebraic operation such as modular addition or modular multiplication. Most classical homomorphic encryption schemes such as as Goldwasser-Micali and Paillier are instances of GHE. In this work, we extend GHE to the attribute-based setting. We introduce and formally define the notion of Attribute-Based GHE (ABGHE) and explore its properties. Our main result is the construction of an Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) scheme supporting homomorphic addition modulo a poly-sized prime ee, which is an instance of ABGHE. Our construction builds upon the IBE scheme of Boneh, LaVigne and Sabin (BLS). BLS relies on a hash function that maps identities to etheth residues. However there is no known way to securely instantiate such a function. Our construction extends BLS so that it can use a hash function that can be securely instantiated. We prove our scheme IND-ID-CPA secure under the (slightly modified) etheth residuosity assumption in the random oracle model and show that it supports a (modular) additive homomorphism. By using multiple instances of the scheme with distinct primes and leveraging the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can support homomorphic addition modulo a ``large'' (i.e. superpolynomial) integer, the first such IBE scheme. We also show that our scheme for e>2e>2 is anonymous assuming the hardness of deciding solvability of a special system of multivariate polynomial equations. Finally, we define a primitive for attribute-based group homomorphisms in the multi-key setting, introduce an important security property and present a generic construction of the primitive meeting this security property.},
      keywords = {public-key cryptography / homomorphic encryption, ABE, IBE},
      url = {},
      year = {2017},
      type= {misc}
    • [DOI] R. Fan, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Gerla, “An SDN architecture for under water search and surveillance,” Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), 2017 13th Annual Conference on, pp. 96-99, 2017.
      author = {Fan, Roulin and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {An SDN architecture for under water search and surveillance},
      journal = {Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), 2017 13th Annual Conference on},
      pages = {96-99},
      abstract = {As a result of increasing demands from the off shore industry’ Underwater Wireless Networking (UWN) has attracted special focus in recent wireless communication studies. Owing to the physical characteristics of the underwater channel, various Electro-Magnetic (EM), optical, and acoustic communication technologies have been applied to UWN for different communication ranges. EM waves have wide frequency bands and fast propagation speed, but the attenuating nature of sea water severely constrains the communication range. Underwater optical communication has advantages in bandwidth and propagating speed, yet its communication range is limited by the absorption and backscatter in water. Acoustic waves have the longest transmission range in underwater environments, but encounter challenges in the temporally and spatially varying underwater acoustic channel. Long propagation delays, bandwidth constraints and high error rates are frequently cited challenges. Acoustic and optical carriers are the two modes of communication most seriously considered by researchers, with the bulk of attention paid to acoustics because of its relative simplicity - it is treated the same as EM in the air, except for long propagation delays. Optics, on the other hand, is much more complicated. Aside from its short underwater communication range, optical PHY links are typically line of sight and usually uni-directional, requiring relative localization among communicating nodes. At the same time, these properties give optics the potential for covertness, since a finely aligned optical beam can help elude detection or interception. These different characteristics and propagation properties provide some very interesting trade off scenarios, and motivate the combination of different techniques to create a hybrid approach},
      doi = {},
      url = {},
      keywords = {Acoustics, Sea surface, Robustness, Optical propagation, Wireless communication, Computer architecture },
      location = {Jackson, Wyoming, USA},
      year = {2017},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] J. Joy, D. Grey, C. McGoldrick, and M. Gerla, “Scalable Privacy,” WiSec ’17, pp. 271-272, 2017.
      author = {Joy, Joshua and Grey, Dylan and McGoldrick, Ciaran and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {Scalable Privacy},
      journal = {WiSec ’17},
      pages = {271-272},
      note = {WIP Poster},
      abstract = {Given that the exact answer to a question is fixed, we ask is it possible to strengthen the privacy by increasing the crowd size that participates even though they do not contribute to the exact answer? In this paper, we introduce the notion of scalable privacy whereby data owners not at a particular location privatize their response such that they respond as if they are at a location (even when they are not). Immediately the question of utility is raised and we examine the tradeoffs to construct such a privacy mechanism so that it scales in both privacy and utility.},
      doi = {10.1145/3098243.3106019},
      keywords = {Security and privacy
      Mobile and wireless security
      Privacy protections
      Network privacy and anonymity},
      location = {Boston, MA, USA},
      year = {2017},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] G. Pibiri, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Huggard, “Ensuring quality services on WiFi networks for offloaded cellular traffic,” 13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), pp. 136-143, 2017.
      author = {Pibiri, Gianluigi and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Ensuring quality services on WiFi networks for offloaded cellular traffic},
      journal = {13th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS)},
      pages = {136-143},
      abstract = {One of the more obvious ways to reduce the volume of data traffic on cellular networks is through the use of handover to fixed networks via WiFi and other radio channels. With the growing focus on emerging 5G concepts and technologies, there has been a corresponding focus on the functional mechanisms needed to achieve this handover in a timely fashion. Much less attention has been paid to the practicalities, in terms of ensuring that the end-user experiences little or no loss in the quality of their network services when the handover occurs. In this paper, a methodology for managing such handover traffic in a WiFi network is proposed. The approach integrates and leverages aspects of three quality control mechanisms to enable stable, higher quality delivery of enhanced WiFi network services. It combines i) information adduced from a theoretical model with ii) a low complexity Quality of Experience metric that is quick and easy to estimate and iii) a queue management scheme.},
      doi = {},
      url = {},
      keywords = {Quality of service, Wireless networks, Algorithm design and analysis, Wireless fidelity, Measurement },
      location = {Jackson, Wyoming, USA},
      year = {2017},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “Attribute-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption with a Bounded Number of Inputs,” AfricaCrypt 2016, 2016.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Attribute-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption with a Bounded Number of Inputs},
      journal = {AfricaCrypt 2016},
      abstract = {The only known way to achieve Attribute-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption (ABFHE) is through indistinguishability obfsucation. The best we can do at the moment without obfuscation is Attribute-Based Leveled FHE which allows circuits of an a priori bounded depth to be evaluated. This has been achieved from the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. However we know of no other way without obfuscation of constructing a scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth. In this paper, we present an ABFHE scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth but with one limitation: there is a bound N on the number of inputs that can be used in a circuit evaluation. The bound N could be thought of as a bound on the number of independent senders. Our scheme allows N to be exponentially large so we can set the parameters so that there is no limitation on the number of inputs in practice. Our construction relies on multi-key FHE and leveled ABFHE, both of which have been realized from LWE, and therefore we obtain a concrete scheme that is secure under LWE.},
      url = {},
      keywords = {public-key cryptography, attribute based encryption, fully homomorphic encryption, LWE, learning with errors},
      location = {Morocco},
      year = {2016},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “Attribute-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption with a Bounded Number of Inputs,” in Progress in Cryptology, N. A. R. T. Pointcheval David, Ed., Morocco: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 307-325.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Attribute-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption with a Bounded Number of Inputs},
      booktitle = {Progress in Cryptology},
      editor = {Pointcheval, David, Nitaj, Abderrahmane, Rachidi, Tajjeeddine },
      publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
      address = {Morocco},
      chapter = {16},
      pages = {307-325},
      abstract = {The only known way to achieve Attribute-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption (ABFHE) is through indistinguishability obfsucation. The best we can do at the moment without obfuscation is Attribute-Based Leveled FHE which allows circuits of an a priori bounded depth to be evaluated. This has been achieved from the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. However we know of no other way without obfuscation of constructing a scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth. In this paper, we present an ABFHE scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth but with one limitation: there is a bound N on the number of inputs that can be used in a circuit evaluation. The bound N could be thought of as a bound on the number of independent senders. Our scheme allows N to be exponentially large so we can set the parameters so that there is no limitation on the number of inputs in practice. Our construction relies on multi-key FHE and leveled ABFHE, both of which have been realized from LWE, and therefore we obtain a concrete scheme that is secure under LWE.},
      keywords = {public-key cryptography, attribute based encryption, fully homomorphic encryption, LWE, learning with errors},
      year = {2016},
      type= {inbook}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, Attribute-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption with a Bounded Number of InputsIACR, 2016.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Attribute-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption with a Bounded Number of Inputs},
      publisher = {IACR},
      abstract = {The only known way to achieve Attribute-based Fully Homomorphic Encryption (ABFHE) is through indistinguishability obfsucation. The best we can do at the moment without obfuscation is Attribute-Based Leveled FHE which allows circuits of an a priori bounded depth to be evaluated. This has been achieved from the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. However we know of no other way without obfuscation of constructing a scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth. In this paper, we present an ABFHE scheme that can evaluate circuits of unbounded depth but with one limitation: there is a bound N on the number of inputs that can be used in a circuit evaluation. The bound N could be thought of as a bound on the number of independent senders. Our scheme allows N to be exponentially large so we can set the parameters so that there is no limitation on the number of inputs in practice. Our construction relies on multi-key FHE and leveled ABFHE, both of which have been realized from LWE, and therefore we obtain a concrete scheme that is secure under LWE.},
      keywords = {public-key cryptography / attribute based encryption, fully homomorphic encryption, LWE},
      url = {},
      year = {2016},
      type= {misc}
    • [DOI] R. Fan, L. Wei, P. Du, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Gerla, “A SDN-Controlled Underwater MAC and Routing Testbed,” MILCOM 2016, 2016.
      author = {Fan, Roulin and Wei, Li and Du, Pengyuan and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {A SDN-Controlled Underwater MAC and Routing Testbed},
      journal = {MILCOM 2016},
      abstract = {Efficient data communication among autonomous under-water vehicles (AUVs) is difficult. Challenges include the long propagation delays arising with acoustic communication solutions, and line-of-sight requirements for optical transceivers. Existing multi-hop routing approaches are not always appropriate due to node mobility. This work presents a centralized approach to network control, exploiting the observation that AUV networks will have a bounded number of nodes. The paper describes a SDN realization of AUV networking, and documents the implementation of a small-scale replica of the system in our testbed, which can be accessed remotely via a web page and SSH. We then demonstrate the functionality of our implementation by evaluating the performances of two existing MAC protocols namely Slotted FAMA [11] and UW-Aloha [13], in a multi-hop, underwater scenario.},
      doi = {10.1109/MILCOM.2016.7795472},
      keywords = {wireless mesh networks, access protocols, autonomous underwater vehicles, mobility management (mobile radio), software defined networking, telecommunication network routing, underwater acoustic communication},
      location = {Baltimore, MD, USA},
      year = {2016},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Droning On: Reflections on Integrating UAV Technology into a Computer Engineering Design Laboratory,” SIGCSE 2016, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, 2016.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Droning On: Reflections on Integrating UAV Technology into a Computer Engineering Design Laboratory},
      journal = {SIGCSE 2016, ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education},
      abstract = {Unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, are often characterized as representing the next big disruptive change in our everyday interaction with technology. Indeed some commentators have suggested that their impact will be as significant as that of the Internet. It is thus incumbent upon modern, foresightful educators to integrate these platforms into the curriculum in order to more fully equip the next generation of professional engineers and computer scientists with the skillsets and competencies needed to realize the full potential of these devices.
      In this paper we reflect on the challenges encountered when integrating drone technology into an existing project-based freshman design module. The objective was to introduce the drone as a relatively seamless extension of an existing problem set for a design project involving an autonomous vehicle. In doing so, critical factors such as engineering ethics, health and safety, and regulatory constraints; in addition to implementation challenges; are directly addressed and quantified. Lessons learned and reflections on best practice for the use of drone technology in the laboratory are adduced and articulated.},
      doi = {10.1145/2839509.2844650 },
      url = {},
      location = {Memphis, Tennessee},
      year = {2016},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] M. Huggard, A. Vaccaro, and C. S. McGoldrick, “Evaluation of a Time Radio Signal as Wireless Sensor Synchronization Beacon,” ICNC – International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, 2016.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Vaccaro, Alessandro and McGoldrick, Ciaran Seamus},
      title = {Evaluation of a Time Radio Signal as Wireless Sensor Synchronization Beacon},
      journal = {ICNC - International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications},
      abstract = {Clock synchronization and universal time knowledge is a feature of which Wireless Sensor Networks are still in need. Reliable
      synchronization is necessary for applications involving distributed tasks, such as medium access control to sleep cycles for smart power management, precise sensor sampling, data sequencing and aggregation.
      Signal processing of samples from multiple nodes is a practical application which benefit from a common time knowledge. In a scenario of Structural Health Monitoring is very important that all sensor sample the accelerometer data at the same time, to take a state snapshot of the monitored structure.
      This article evaluates the MSF60 time broadcasting signal as a mean to synchronize the nodes of a WSN. A signal reception delay is observed and its impact of the system synchronization is evaluated through an experiment set. The experiment is based on an actual hardware and software implementation of the system. The article will conclude with an analysis of a possible application of the system to monitor low frequency events in sparse networks.},
      doi = {978-1-4673-8579-4},
      url = {},
      keywords = {Synchronization, Clocks, Receivers, Wireless sensor networks, Protocols, Delays, Hardware },
      location = {Kauai, Hawaii, USA},
      year = {2016},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • J. Joy, C. S. McGoldrick, and M. Gerla, “Mobile Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourced Data Collection in the Smart City,” 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS), 2016.
      author = {Joy, Joshua and McGoldrick, Ciaran Seamus and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {Mobile Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourced Data Collection in the Smart City},
      journal = {10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS)},
      abstract = {Cities rely on big data to enable smart urbanapplications such as intelligent transport and epidemics detection.
      However, the gathering of big data, especially from mobile platforms like pedestrians and cars, brings large privacy concerns.
      Autonomous vehicles will create a new wave of safe and efficient transportation means. Vehicles act as large sensors that collect both external (environmental and other cars) and internal (driver) information. The autonomous vehicles are connected to the infrastructure cloud (e.g., Amazon), the edge cloud, and also the mobile cloud (vehicle to vehicle).
      Data generated by the vehicular network is dynamic and real-time. Clearly, infrastructure and mobile cloud must work together. This will happen only if privacy is guaranteed.
      In this paper, we examine a smart city architecture enabling each mobile (vehicle) to privately answer queries locally though scales gracefully to handle the oncoming IoT scalability demand.},
      url = {},
      location = {Irvine, CA},
      year = {2016},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] C. Mc Goldrick, E. Segura, T. Wu, and M. Gerla, “WaterCom: Connecting Research Configurations with Practical Deployments,” The 11th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNET), p. 8:1–8:2, 2016.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Segura, Enrique and Wu, Tianyan and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {WaterCom: Connecting Research Configurations with Practical Deployments},
      journal = {The 11th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNET)},
      pages = {8:1--8:2},
      note = {ISBN: 978-1-4503-4637-5},
      abstract = {This paper describes the ongoing evolution of the WaterCom framework developed as part of the NSF funded Ocean-TUNE CRI project. A particular challenge for connecting global researchers and the public with remote, autonomous underwater research infrastructures is that translating and bringing the requesters topology and system properties into physical existence through dynamic reconfigurability of the deployed experimental infrastructure and assets. Previous work described the overall WaterCom framework, system architecture and design. The extension of this system to enable graphical node topology definition and validation, and the procedure for defining, scheduling and deploying experimental configurations on remote hardware is articulated.},
      doi = {10.1145/2999504.3001118 },
      location = {Shanghai,China},
      year = {2016},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] C. Mc Goldrick, S. Shivaram, and M. Huggard, “Experiences of Integrating UAVs into the Curriculum through Multidisciplinary Engineering Projects,” ASEE 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Shivaram, Smita and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Experiences of Integrating UAVs into the Curriculum through Multidisciplinary Engineering Projects},
      journal = {ASEE 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition},
      abstract = {The content and means of delivery of many electronic and computer engineering courses has evolved radically over the past decade due to the rise in the availability of affordable, open-source programmable microcontrollers and accessible wireless communication devices. Many engineering modules have been extended to more closely integrate the underlying technologies and systems with modern engineering practice.
      One of the more exciting additions to the range of inexpensive robotic technologies is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones. Drones have a wide range of real-world applications and the full potential of these devices has yet to be explored by either industry or educators.
      Drones have an enormous capacity to engage students and facilitate classroom learning. Drones offer a challenging platform for existing engineering design modules where students face challenges in electronics, control, programming and project management.
      However, one of the challenges facing educators is how to integrate drones within their courses in a meaningful way; so that UAVs are not viewed as mere toys, but as devices that have a credible role to play in the solution of real world problems. In this paper we describe how UAVs have been included across multidisciplinary projects where students work on real world problems that span a broad range of engineering disciplines. The projects draw on the capabilities of UAVs: the ability to sense objects in their surroundings, to plot and maintain an accurate course, to make on-the-fly adjustments based on environmental data, to use computer vision to interpret data gathered by the on-board camera etc.
      As a proof-of-concept we focus on a practical, contemporary engineering task – the use of UAVs to monitor the structural health of next generation wind turbines. We describe the high level task, decompose it into multiple complementary facets, relate those to specific engineering disciplines and associated educational concepts at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and then present specific learning and developmental opportunities and describe and present the student engagement and achievements.},
      doi = {},
      location = {New Orleans},
      year = {2016},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “Multi-identity and Multi-key Leveled FHE from Learning with Errors,” in Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2015, R. Gennaro and M. Robshaw, Eds., Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2015, vol. 2, pp. 630-656.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Multi-identity and Multi-key Leveled FHE from Learning with Errors},
      booktitle = {Advances in Cryptology -- CRYPTO 2015},
      editor = {Gennaro, Rosario and Robshaw, Matthew},
      series = {Security and Cryptology},
      publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
      address = {Heidelberg},
      volume = {2},
      chapter = {31},
      pages = {630-656},
      year = {2015},
      type= {inbook}
    • C. Mc Goldrick, M. Matney, E. Segura, Y. Noh, and M. Gerla, “WaterCom – A Multilevel, Multipurpose Underwater Communications Test Platform,” WUWNet – The International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, 2015.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Matney, Mark and Segura, Enrique and Noh, Youngtae and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {WaterCom - A Multilevel, Multipurpose Underwater Communications Test Platform},
      journal = {WUWNet - The International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems},
      abstract = {Underwater Communications is very much an experimental science because of the complex medium - the water - and its unpredictable propagation properties, thus mandating experiments to validate theory. The medium is particularly challenging for the transmission of acoustic and optical signals. Thus, the true performance of a transmitter/receiver system can be evaluated only in the water. It would then appear that UW research be inevitably associated with a testbed. However, this is not always the case because UW testbeds are difficult to set up, calibrate and instrument. The purpose of the recent NSF CRI Ocean-TUNE project is precisely that of deploying inexpensive UW testbeds accessible by the Community. UCLA, as a participant in the Ocean-TUNE project, has recognized that one UW testbed cannot fit all applications and therefore has been developing WaterCom, a multilevel testing platform consisting of three testbeds - small, medium and large scale. The small testbed is deployed in a tank, with two modems; it is used for point-to-point communications at close range. It is instrumented for remote access and allows the testing of variable {TX} power values with different obstacles, reflected rays absorption and water purity values (for optical experiments). The medium scale testbed, deployed at the Marina del Rey UCLA boathouse, will enable remotely monitored experiments of MAC and network protocols with three nodes, one of them mobile. The large scale open water testbed is deployed in the Catalina channel. It will employ OFDM Modems as well as small submersible, mobile platforms. WaterCom will enable two types of experiments: environment measurements, like subsurface currents, presence of deposits in the water, etc, and; network protocol and application measurements in the open water. The paper describes the testbeds in detail and introduces preliminary small scale testbed measurements.},
      url = {},
      keywords = {Underwater, Networking, Experiment, Framework, Modem, Protocol},
      location = {Washington DC},
      year = {2015},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • C. Mc Goldrick, V. Rabsatt, and M. Gerla, “Independent Active Aging – the Role of 5G and Autonomous Vehicles,” IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, vol. 10, iss. 4, pp. 35-39, 2015.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Rabsatt, Vince and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {Independent Active Aging - the Role of 5G and Autonomous Vehicles},
      journal = {IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter},
      volume = {10},
      number = {4},
      pages = {35-39},
      abstract = {The world population continues to increase, with UN estimates projecting an increase from current levels of approximate 7.3bn to as high as 24.8bn in 2150. Many analysts question the sustainability of this growth, highlighting pressures on food supplies, energy resources and the detrimental impact of so many people on our environment. A notable facet in this population growth is the aging population demographic in developed countries. Advances in knowledge, understanding and treatment of medical conditions mean that people are living longer, and with better quality of life, than in previous generations.
      These life-improving advances are not limited solely to the medical sphere - science and engineering are contributing significantly to supporting, sustaining and maintaining active, healthy and independent living amongst these aging populations. Mobile and wireless technologies have been playing an increasingly important role in this domain - enabling timely, localized and personalized interactions between individuals and service providers. In this context we explore the potential benefits that 5G offers an aging population. We consider a number of end-user mobility scenarios, and highlight how ongoing vehicular research is rapidly converging to enable future autonomous vehicular solutions that scale from rural countryside to dense urban deployment scenarios.},
      year = {2015},
      type= {journal}
    • [DOI] C. McGoldrick, V. Rabsatt, and M. Gerla, “Purposing AAL to an Aging Population : AAW (Walking), AAD (Driving) and the IoV (Internet of Vehicles),” GlobeCom 2015, 2015.
      author = {McGoldrick, Ciaran and Rabsatt, Vince and Gerla, Mario},
      title = {Purposing AAL to an Aging Population : AAW (Walking), AAD (Driving) and the IoV (Internet of Vehicles)},
      journal = {GlobeCom 2015},
      note = {},
      abstract = {The Internet of Things is construed as a broad
      interconnectivity of everyday devices and entities, such that their
      collaborative engagements can create superior externalities. It is
      distinguished from the ”sensorweb” through the capabilities of
      IoT devices to operate and reason on, and with, inputs from
      multiple sources. In this work we postulate that vehicles have a
      previously unexplored role to play in driving widespread acceptance,
      and adoption, of mobile cloud, IoT and AAL principles,
      concepts and systems. We argue that, historically, deployment of
      new, disruptive technological paradigms has been slow and the
      notion of IoT devices being deeply embedded in our everyday
      environment, and working and collaborating to enhance and
      support our daily existences (Ambient Assisted Living), makes
      ”realizing tomorrows potential difficult. But not impossible” [1]
      for industry actors. This work re-envisions common approaches
      to presenting AAL research and focuses on emerging and future
      enabler technologies and platforms that will provide direct AAL
      interactions and experiences for end users. The use-case and
      deployment scenario is that of present day and future vehicular
      and transportation infrastructure networks, with exemplars in
      the global societal challenge of healthcare for aging populations.},
      doi = {10.1109/GLOCOMW.2015.7414192 },
      url = {},
      keywords = {Ambient Assisted Living, Internet of Vehicles,
      Ambient Assisted Driving, Ambient Assisted Walking, AAW,
      AAD, Autonomous Driving, Aging, Elderly, Independent Living},
      location = {San Diego},
      year = {2015},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “Bootstrappable Identity-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption,” in Cryptology and Network Security, K. A. A. I. Gritzalis Dimitris, Ed., Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2014, vol. XVI, pp. 1-19.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Bootstrappable Identity-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption},
      booktitle = {Cryptology and Network Security},
      editor = {Gritzalis, Dimitris, Kiayias, Aggelos, Askoxylakis, Ioannis},
      series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
      publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
      address = {Switzerland},
      volume = {XVI},
      chapter = {1},
      pages = {1-19},
      abstract = {It has been an open problem for a number of years to construct an identity-based fully homomorphic encryption (IBFHE) scheme (first mentioned by Naccache at CHES/CRYPTO 2010). At CRYPTO 2013, Gentry, Sahai and Waters largely settled the problem by presenting leveled IBFHE constructions based on the Learning With Errors problem. However their constructions are not bootstrappable, and as a result, are not "pure" IBFHE schemes. The major challenge with bootstrapping in the identity-based setting is that it must be possible to non-interactively derive from the public parameters an "encryption" of the secret key for an arbitrary identity. All presently-known leveled IBFHE schemes only allow bootstrapping if such an "encryption" of the secret key is supplied out-of-band. In this work, we present a "pure" IBFHE scheme from indistinguishability obfuscation, and extend the result to the attribute-based setting. Our attribute-based scheme is the first to support homomorphic evaluation on ciphertexts with different attributes. Finally, we characterize presently-known leveled IBFHE schemes with a view to developing a "compiler" from a leveled IBFHE scheme to a bootstrappable IBFHE scheme, and sufficient conditions are identied.},
      year = {2014},
      type= {inbook}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, Bootstrappable Identity-Based Fully Homomorphic EncryptionIACR, 2014.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Bootstrappable Identity-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption},
      publisher = {IACR},
      note = {Cryptology ePrint Archive. Report 2014/491. Extended, complete version of CANS2014 paper},
      abstract = {It has been an open problem for a number of years to construct an identity-based fully homomorphic encryption (IBFHE) scheme (first mentioned by Naccache at CHES/CRYPTO 2010). At CRYPTO 2013, Gentry, Sahai and Waters largely settled the problem by presenting leveled IBFHE constructions based on the Learning With Errors problem. However their constructions are not bootstrappable, and as a result, are not ``pure'' IBFHE schemes. The major challenge with bootstrapping in the identity-based setting is that it must be possible to non-interactively derive from the public parameters an ``encryption'' of the secret key for an arbitrary identity. All presently-known leveled IBFHE schemes only allow bootstrapping if such an ``encryption'' of the secret key is supplied out-of-band. In this work, we present a ``pure'' IBFHE scheme from indistinguishability obfuscation, and extend the result to the attribute-based setting. Our attribute-based scheme is the first to support homomorphic evaluation on ciphertexts with different attributes. Finally, we characterize presently-known leveled IBFHE schemes with a view to developing a ``compiler'' from a leveled IBFHE scheme to a bootstrappable IBFHE scheme, and sufficient conditions are identified.},
      keywords = {public-key cryptography / identity based encryption, fully homomorphic encryption, bootstrapping},
      url = {},
      year = {2014},
      type= {misc}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, Multi-Identity and Multi-Key Leveled FHE from Learning with ErrorsIACR, 2014.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Multi-Identity and Multi-Key Leveled FHE from Learning with Errors},
      publisher = {IACR},
      note = {Extended version of paper from CRYPTO 2015},
      abstract = {Gentry, Sahai and Waters recently presented the first (leveled) identity-based fully homomorphic (IBFHE) encryption scheme (CRYPTO 2013). Their scheme however only works in the single-identity setting; that is, homomorphic evaluation can only be performed on ciphertexts created with the same identity. In this work, we extend their results to the multi-identity setting and obtain a multi-identity IBFHE scheme that is selectively secure in the random oracle model under the hardness of Learning with Errors (LWE). We also obtain a multi-key fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme that is secure under LWE in the standard model. This is the first multi-key FHE based on a well-established assumption such as standard LWE. The multi-key FHE of López-Alt, Tromer and Vaikuntanathan (STOC 2012) relied on a non-standard assumption, referred to as the Decisional Small Polynomial Ratio assumption},
      keywords = {public-key cryptography / fully homomorphic encryption, identity-based FHE, multi-key FHE},
      year = {2014},
      type= {misc}
    • M. Clear, H. Tewari, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Anonymous IBE from Quadratic Residuosity with Improved Performance,” in Progress in Cryptology – AFRICACRYPT 2014, P. D. Vergnaud and D., Eds., Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2014, vol. 8469, pp. 377-397.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Tewari, Hitesh and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Anonymous IBE from Quadratic Residuosity with Improved Performance},
      booktitle = {Progress in Cryptology – AFRICACRYPT 2014},
      editor = {Vergnaud, D. Pointcheval and D.},
      series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
      publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
      address = {Switzerland},
      volume = {8469},
      chapter = {23},
      pages = {377-397},
      note = {Acceptance: 26/83 (31%)},
      abstract = {Identity Based Encryption (IBE) has been constructed from bilinear pairings, lattices and quadratic residuosity. The latter is an attractive basis for an IBE owing to the fact that it is a well-understood hard problem from number theory. Cocks constructed the first such scheme, and subsequent improvements have been made to achieve anonymity and improve space efficiency. However, the anonymous variants of Cocks’ scheme thus far are all less efficient than the original. In this paper, we present a new universally-anonymous IBE scheme based on the quadratic residuosity problem. Our scheme has better performance than the universally anonymous scheme from Ateniese and Gasti (CT-RSA 2009) at the expense of more ciphertext expansion.},
      keywords = {Identity Based Encryption, Anonymous IBE, Cocks Scheme, Quadratic Residuosity},
      year = {2014},
      type= {inbook}
    • M. Huggard, F. Boland, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Using Collaborative Learning to Enhance Critical Reflection,” Frontiers in Education, 2014.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Boland, Frank and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Using Collaborative Learning to Enhance Critical Reflection},
      journal = {Frontiers in Education},
      abstract = {Over the past two decades, one of the key changes in Engineering curricula has been in the emphasis placed on the development of personal transferable skills. Employers also profess to seek these competencies when making recruiting decisions. Such skills include the ability to learn through collaboration and through meaningful critical reflection on one’s own performance, both as an individual and in a group setting. However, there is still much debate on the most effective mechanisms for acquiring such skills.
      Engineering students can be extremely resistant to the notion of individual or collective reflection and often find it difficult to function successfully in a group setting. This paper reports on how co-operative learning has been integrated into a largescale, practical freshman Engineering laboratory module, and explores the student experiences of being encouraged to engage in meaningful reflection. In particular, it details the presentation modalities and phenomena that influence the engineering students attitudes toward cooperative learning and reflection.},
      location = {Madrid, Spain},
      year = {2014},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Enhancing Ethical Awareness through Practical Engagement with Mobile Media,” International Conference on Engineering Education and Research, pp. 190-193, 2014.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Enhancing Ethical Awareness through Practical Engagement with Mobile Media},
      journal = {International Conference on Engineering Education and Research},
      pages = {190-193},
      note = {},
      abstract = {Ubiquitous computing technologies play a critical role in the monitoring and assessment of a patient’s physical health and medical well-being. They can provide medical practitioners with a way to bridge the gap between intermittent consultations, by providing them with insight into a patient’s day-to-day activity and physiological condition. Such applications of technology give rise to many challenging ethical questions, from the end-to-end confidentiality and security of the data collected to the privacy of each individual patient.
      In this paper we detail a practical laboratory task where final year undergraduate students design, implement and validate a mobile media system to gather data on patient behavior and well-being that can be reported back to a medical practitioner for review prior to a meeting with the patient. We evaluate the students’ experience of working with a range of mobile, wireless technologies and devices such as Android smart phones, tablets and wireless sensing platforms. We explore how their perception of the technologies they use evolves and how their engagement with the project enhances their ethical awareness of the use of such technologies.},
      url = {},
      keywords = {Engineering Ethics
      Mobile Media
      Practical Laboratory
      Wireless Communications
      Experiential Learning},
      location = {Hamilton, Ontario, Canada},
      year = {2014},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • E. Simon Carbajo, R. Simon Carbajo, C. Mc Goldrick, and B. Basu, “ASDAH: An Automated Structural Change Detection Algorithm based on Hilbert-Huang Transform,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 47, iss. 1-2, pp. 78-93, 2014.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Esther and Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Basu, Biswajit},
      title = {ASDAH: An Automated Structural Change Detection Algorithm based on Hilbert-Huang Transform},
      journal = {Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing},
      volume = {47},
      number = {1-2},
      pages = {78-93},
      note = {Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 3.743. 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.623. SJR:1.652},
      abstract = {A novel automated structural change detection algorithm is presented in this paper. The algorithm is principally based on a windowed Hilbert–Huang transform of online data, and incorporates a combination of energy based averaging and moving window averaging. The expected system behaviour is characterised during a dynamic parameterisation and training phase. A hierarchical alarm mechanism is employed to account for short and long term changes in the structural properties. The algorithm has been validated in an experimental setting with two different structures: a single degree of freedom (SDOF) discrete dynamical system and a 2.5 kW wind turbine blade. The system has been shown to reliably and promptly detect structural changes in both structures, one with a stiffness variation and the other with mass variation.},
      keywords = {Automated online algorithm;
      Structural change detection;
      Hilbert–Huang transform;
      Energy-based frequency weighting},
      year = {2014},
      type= {journal}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, Policy-Based Non-interactive Outsourcing of Computation using multikey FHE and CP-ABEIACR, 2013.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Policy-Based Non-interactive Outsourcing of Computation using multikey FHE and CP-ABE},
      publisher = {IACR},
      note = {Cryptology ePrint Archive. Report 2013/875. Extended version of SECRYPT 2013 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography paper},
      abstract = {We consider the problem of outsourced computation that operates on encrypted inputs supplied by multiple independent parties. To facilitate fine-grained access control, it would be desirable if each party could encrypt her input under an appropriate access policy. Moreover, a party should only be authorized to decrypt the result of a computation performed on a set of encrypted inputs if his credentials satisfy the composition of all input policies. There has been limited success so far achieving homomorphic encryption in the functional setting; that is, for primitives such as Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) and Identity Based Encryption (IBE). We introduce a new primitive that captures homomorphic encryption with support for access policies and policy composition. We then present a generic construction using CP-ABE and multikey Fully-Homomorphic encryption (FHE). Furthermore, we show that a CP-ABE scheme that is homomorphic for circuits of polylogarithmic depth in some parameter $m$ implies a CP-ABE scheme that is homomorphic for circuits of arity $m$ and unbounded depth.},
      keywords = {public-key cryptography / multikey FHE, CP-ABE, homomorphic encryption},
      url = {},
      year = {2013},
      type= {misc}
    • M. Clear and C. Mc Goldrick, “Policy-Based Non-interactive Outsourcing of Computation using multikey FHE and CP-ABE,” International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), pp. 444-452, 2013.
      author = {Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Policy-Based Non-interactive Outsourcing of Computation using multikey FHE and CP-ABE},
      journal = {International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT)},
      pages = {444-452},
      note = {170 papers submitted. 12% acceptance rate},
      abstract = {It has been an open problem for a number of years to construct an identity-based fully homomorphic encryption (IBFHE) scheme (first mentioned by Naccache at CHES-CRYPTO 2010). At CRYPTO 2013, Gentry, Sahai and Waters largely settled the problem by presenting leveled IBFHE constructions based on the Learning With Errors problem. However their constructions are not bootstrappable, and as a result, are not "pure" IBFHE schemes. The major challenge with bootstrapping in the identity-based setting is that it must be possible to non-interactively derive from the public parameters an encryption of the secret key for an arbitrary identity. All presently-known leveled IBFHE schemes only allow bootstrapping if such an encryption of the secret key is supplied out-of-band. In this work, we present a "pure" IBFHE scheme from indistinguishability obfuscation, and extend the result to the attribute-based setting. Our attribute-based scheme is the first to support homomorphic evaluation on ciphertexts with different attributes. Finally, we characterize presently-known leveled IBFHE schemes with a view to developing a compiler from a leveled IBFHE scheme to a bootstrappable IBFHE scheme, and sufficient conditions are identied.},
      url = {},
      location = {Rekyavik, Iceland},
      year = {2013},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Self-affirmation and Success in Undergraduate Computer Science,” Frontiers in Education (FIE), pp. 1806-1811, 2013.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Self-affirmation and Success in Undergraduate Computer Science},
      journal = {Frontiers in Education (FIE)},
      pages = {1806-1811},
      note = {ISSN: 0190-5848 },
      abstract = {This paper reports on the category of ``self-affirmation'', one of the key abstracted categories identified in a qualitative study that sought to examine the factors that influence success in undergraduate computer science. This substantive study employed the grounded theory methodology and explored the factors contributing to success from the students' perspective. Self-affirmation refers to the processes by which an individual seeks to make sense of their own actions and of the world around them. These processes are usually considered as a defensive mechanism as they may be activated in response to the typical setbacks and negative events of daily life. For example, a student may seek to rationalise poor academic performance by deciding that they have no aptitude for the subject in question or they may accept their poor performance and use it as a motivation for change. Alternatively, an individual may seek out positive experiences to help them recover from negative events e.g. someone who is feeling unhappy with one aspect of their life may seek out positive experiences to make them feel better. In this paper we explore the self-affirmation processes that influenced and shaped participants attitude towards their studies, which in turn influences achievement and success. Self-affirmation varied along a continuum from positive to negative. Participants experienced positive feelings when they were successful in completing a computer related task or when their skill and ability was praised by academics and tutors. The participant's belief in their own ability was affirmed as a result of these interactions. At the negative end of the continuum, participants described the influence of negative feedback from their teachers and peers. They described how they found this negative feedback to be discouraging, leading them to become anxious and worried about their decision to study computer science. The grounded theory approach adopted in this study provided a unique insight into the students' perspective of the key factors that influences their success. Self-affirmation processes emerged as a key element of this theory and merit inclusion in future efforts to support and scaffold freshman learning in computer science.},
      doi = {10.1109/FIE.2013.6685149},
      keywords = {Self-affirmation, Undergraduate Success, Computer Science},
      location = {Oklahoma, USA},
      year = {2013},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Unlocking The Laboratory: Autonomous Wireless Sensor Authentication In Practice,” International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, vol. 30, iss. 4, pp. 308-316, 2013.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Unlocking The Laboratory: Autonomous Wireless Sensor Authentication In Practice},
      journal = {International Journal of Information and Learning Technology},
      volume = {30},
      number = {4},
      pages = {308 - 316},
      note = {Impact Factor: 2.94},
      year = {2013},
      type= {journal}
    • R. Simon Carbajo, E. Simon Carbajo, B. Basu, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Real-Time Autonomous Structural Change Detection Onboard Wireless Sensor Platforms,” Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), pp. 970-978, 2013.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Simon Carbajo, Esther and Basu, Biswajit and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Real-Time Autonomous Structural Change Detection Onboard Wireless Sensor Platforms},
      journal = {Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS)},
      pages = {970 - 978},
      note = {Impact Factor: 1.59},
      url = {},
      location = {Dublin, Ireland},
      year = {2013},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • R. Simon Carbajo, E. Simon Carbajo, B. Basu, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Real-Time Autonomous Structural Change Detection Onboard Wireless Sensor Platforms,” Key Engineering Materials, vol. 569-570, pp. 970-978, 2013.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Simon Carbajo, Esther and Basu, Biswajit and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Real-Time Autonomous Structural Change Detection Onboard Wireless Sensor Platforms},
      journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
      volume = {569-570},
      pages = {970 - 978},
      note = {Impact Factor: 1.59. Full version of DAMAS 2013 paper},
      year = {2013},
      type= {journal}
    • [DOI] F. Wetterling, K. Hun Mok, C. Mc Goldrick, and B. Basu, “Non-destructive Investigation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites via Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS), vol. 569-570, pp. 126-131, 2013.
      author = {Wetterling, Friedrich and Hun Mok, Kenneth and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Basu, Biswajit},
      title = {Non-destructive Investigation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites via Magnetic Resonance Imaging},
      journal = {Damage Assessment of Structures (DAMAS)},
      volume = {569-570},
      pages = {126 - 131},
      note = {Impact Factor: 1.59},
      doi = {10.4028/},
      year = {2013},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • F. Wetterling, K. Hun Mok, C. Mc Goldrick, and B. Basu, “Non-destructive Investigation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites via Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” Key Engineering Materials, vol. 569-570, pp. 126-131, 2013.
      author = {Wetterling, Friedrich and Hun Mok, Kenneth and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Basu, Biswajit},
      title = {Non-destructive Investigation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites via Magnetic Resonance Imaging},
      journal = {Key Engineering Materials},
      volume = {569-570},
      pages = {126 - 131},
      note = {Impact Factor: 1.59. Full version of DAMAS2013 paper},
      year = {2013},
      type= {journal}
    • F. Wetterling, J. Zimmermann, C. Blucher, S. Wintzheimer, C. McGoldrick, and B. Basu, “A clip resonator for magnetic resonance imaging of the human finger in the confined space of a portable MRI device: improving access to non-invasive imaging technology,” Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, vol. 26, iss. 1, Supp 1, pp. 48-49, 2013.
      author = {Wetterling, Friedrich and Zimmermann, J and Blucher, Christian and Wintzheimer, S and McGoldrick, Ciaran and Basu, Biswajit},
      title = {A clip resonator for magnetic resonance imaging of the human finger in the confined space of a portable MRI device: improving access to non-invasive imaging technology},
      journal = {Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine},
      volume = {26},
      number = {1, Supp 1},
      pages = {48 - 49},
      note = {Impact Factor: 1.863},
      abstract = {The advent of portable MRI systems [1, 2] enables teaching of abstract principles in lecture halls and helps MRI to be better understood by a wider audience. In particular, imaging of human body parts with a device positioned on a class room table may exceptionally well demonstrate the non-invasive nature of MRI methods such as angiography, perfusion, diffusion and others. However, the restricted space inside currently available MRI portable scanners at 0.5T [1] has hampered imaging of human body parts to-date. The goal of this project was to develop a resonator in the shape of an office clip, henceforth referred to as the clip resonator, to acquire images of a human finger.},
      year = {2013},
      type= {journal}
    • [DOI] G. Pibiri, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Huggard, “Enhancing AQM Performance on Wireless Networks,” IEEE IFIP WIRELESS DAYS, pp. 1-3, 2012.
      author = {Pibiri, Gianluigi and Mc Goldrick, Ciarán and Huggard, Meriel },
      title = {Enhancing AQM Performance on Wireless Networks},
      journal = {IEEE IFIP WIRELESS DAYS},
      pages = {1-3},
      note = {Acceptance Rate; 34.8%},
      abstract = {Congestion management is a key factor in the provision of acceptable levels of quality of service (QoS) on wired networks. However, the concept of congestion management does not translate easily into the wireless domain. Active Queue Management (AQM) solutions for congestion avoidance have proved effective in wired networks but have not gained much traction in the wireless world. Wireless AQM schemes need to be capable of being easily scaled in order to maintain the algorithm characteristics and improve their efficiency. The RED, REM and BLUE AQM schemes are considered from a wireless perspective and methods for improving their efficiency and performance in wireless networks are given.},
      doi = {10.1109/WD.2012.6402874},
      url = {},
      keywords = {Wireless AQM Performance},
      location = {Dublin, Ireland},
      year = {2012},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] G. Pibiri, C. S. McGoldrick, and M. Huggard, “Expected Quality of Service (eQoS) – A Network Metric for Capturing End-User Experience,” IEEE IFIP Wireless Days, pp. 1-6, 2012.
      author = {Pibiri, Gianluigi and McGoldrick, Ciaran Seamus and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Expected Quality of Service (eQoS) - A Network Metric for Capturing End-User Experience},
      journal = {IEEE IFIP Wireless Days},
      pages = {1-6},
      note = {Acceptance Rate: 34.8%},
      abstract = {Quality-oriented network service provisioning can take place at the network level using estimates of Intrinsic Quality of Service (IQoS) parameters or at the user level through measurements of the end-user Quality of Experience (QoE). While IQoS parameters are quantitative and measurement based, QoE estimates are more difficult to obtain as they usually rely on subjective end-user reporting. A new metric for the instantaneous estimation of QoE is proposed, expected Quality of Service (eQoS). This Perceived Quality of Service metric is calculated using IQoS parameters.
      eQoS estimates the QoE of common real time services for mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets): Voice of IP via Constant Bit Rate, Audio and Video streaming via Variable Bit Rate.
      The efficiency of the proposed eQoS metric is evaluated via a realisation of an infrastructure-based wireless network. Unlike existing QoE metrics, eQoS provides an instantaneous estimate of the perceived QoS thereby establishing eQoS as an essential parameter for inclusion in future traffic management algorithms.},
      doi = {10.1109/WD.2012.6402873},
      url = {},
      keywords = {eQoS Quality of Service Network Metric End-user},
      location = {Dublin, Ireland},
      year = {2012},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] J. Warren, M. Clear, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Metadata Independent Hashing for Media Identification & P2P Transfer Optimisation,” 2012 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 58-66, 2012.
      author = {Warren, Jeffrey and Clear, Michael and Mc Goldrick, Ciarán},
      title = {Metadata Independent Hashing for Media Identification & P2P Transfer Optimisation},
      journal = {2012 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery},
      pages = {58-66},
      abstract = {Efficient swarming behaviours within peer-to-peer networks are hindered by imprecise or incorrect metadata content. Once published, metadata corrections can only be effected by a complete republish/swarm recreation or for each peer to manually make corrections (causing them to leave the swarm, decreasing performance). This work presents an approach which enables a swarm to collaboratively upgrade embedded data to reflect changes in metadata, and to identify additional candidates which contain differing metadata but a correct payload. Swarm degradation due to peer drop-off resulting from edits is eliminated, and additional peers can be identified in a fully automated fashion, increasing swarm lifetime and performance. Arising from this metadata abstraction, automatic purification can be realised in situations where multiple incomplete/incorrect versions are available within one or more unconnected swarms. Variations associated with a content set are processed associatively using a knowledge discovery rule set to extrapolate a canonical tag set, which can also be reinforced using data from external corpora. After any update, these changes can again be automatically disseminated in a peer-to-peer swarm. The system presented enables context-aware P2P data transfers which abstract metadata optimally, while also maximising swarm size and enabling cataloguing of content. A proof-of-concept implementation is presented, and its impact on swarm purification/ optimisation is evaluated},
      doi = {10.1109/CyberC.2012.19},
      keywords = {Metadata Hashing Identification P2P Peer to Peer Media knowledge discovery metadata correction metadata extraction peer-to-peer swarm optimisation},
      location = {Sanya, China},
      year = {2012},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • F. Wetterling, C. McGoldrick, and B. Basu, “Exploring Zero Time-to-Echo imaging of Glass Fibre Materials at 9.4T: How Relaxation Times and Frequency Shifts may serve as an Indicator of Structural Defect,” in European Magnetic Resonance Conference (EUROMAR), 2012, p. 482WE.
      author = {Wetterling, Friedrich and McGoldrick, Ciaran and Basu, Biswajit},
      title = {Exploring Zero Time-to-Echo imaging of Glass Fibre Materials at 9.4T: How Relaxation Times and Frequency Shifts may serve as an Indicator of Structural Defect},
      booktitle = {European Magnetic Resonance Conference (EUROMAR)},
      pages = {482WE},
      location = {Dublin},
      year = {2012},
      type= {inproceedings}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Engaging with Ubiquity: Students, Sensors and Security,” International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), p. MO.A.SA 11.219-8, 2011.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciarán},
      title = {Engaging with Ubiquity: Students, Sensors and Security},
      journal = {International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE)},
      pages = {MO.A.SA 11.219-8},
      abstract = {Pervasive networking concepts, where many different wireless networking technologies are transparently integrated into everyday objects and activities, are increasingly prevalent in everyday situations. Looking to the future, it is foreseen that billions of small Internet-enabled, ubiquitous devices will provide digital intelligence and connectivity for almost every leisure, commercial and industrial product. Interconnectivity through the Internet will facilitate seamless interfacing and interactivity with many aspects of our lives; providing smart operations in both commercial and personal settings. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are hailed as one of the key enabling technologies of this ubiquitous vision and such infrastructure is commonly realised using small, low power, low data rate, wireless devices with sensing and actuating capabilities. In this paper we detail a practical laboratory task where final year undergraduate students design, implement and validate an inferred security wireless sensor access system. We evaluate the students’ experience of working with the Sun Microsystems SunSPOTs and explore how their perception of both ubiquity and security evolves from inception to completion of the activity.},
      url = {},
      location = {Belfast, Ireland},
      year = {2011},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Lessons Learnt from a Decade of Structured Support for Novice Programmers,” International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), p. FR.A.SB 11.230-7, 2011.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciarán},
      title = {Lessons Learnt from a Decade of Structured Support for Novice Programmers},
      journal = {International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE)},
      pages = {FR.A.SB 11.230-7},
      abstract = {While some Engineering students find learning how to program rewarding, others struggle to develop any appreciation of, or proficiency in, fundamental programming constructs. Indeed, students typically view programming modules as necessary pre-requisites for progression beyond the freshman years, rather than as a means to help them develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills. Over the past decade the Programming Support Centre in Trinity College has sought to provide a positive, supportive atmosphere where students can voluntarily seek one-to-one or small group assistance with challenges they face while learning to program. During that time the Centre's service offering has evolved to meet changes in students’ needs and to appraise faculty members of novice programmers perceptions of the challenges they face when attempting a programming assignment. We assess the Centre’s impact on student learning and detail how the natural tensions that exist between students, the Centre staff and faculty members have been mitigated. We discuss the qualitative and quantitative metrics used to assess the performance of the Centre over the past decade and suggest ways in which it may evolve in the course of the next ten years.},
      url = {},
      location = {Belfast, Ireland},
      year = {2011},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • R. Simon Carbajo, B. Cody-Kenny, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Huggard, “Practical Programming: Android Development in the Laboratory,” International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), p. MO.P.SC 11.297-8, 2011.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Cody-Kenny, Brendan and Mc Goldrick, Ciarán and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Practical Programming: Android Development in the Laboratory},
      journal = {International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE)},
      pages = {MO.P.SC 11.297-8},
      abstract = {This paper presents a novel laboratory project where final year undergraduate students are tasked with developing Bluetooth mobile applications for the Android platform. The challenges that arise in assessing a project where students' acquisition of a good practical understand of Bluetooth technology may be easily overtaken by the programming difficulties encountered are discussed, along with ways in which this effect can be mitigated. We detail the learning environment created, describe the assessment methodologies adopted and analyse the course outcomes.},
      url = {},
      location = {Belfast, Ireland},
      year = {2011},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • R. Simon Carbajo, A. Staino, K. Ryan, B. Basu, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Characterisation of Wireless Sensor Platforms for Vibration Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades,” Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), pp. 171-176, 2011.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Staino, Andrea and Ryan, Kevin and Basu, Biswajit and Mc Goldrick, Ciarán},
      title = {Characterisation of Wireless Sensor Platforms for Vibration Monitoring of Wind Turbine Blades},
      journal = {Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC)},
      pages = {171-176},
      url = {},
      location = {Dublin, Ireland},
      year = {2011},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • G. J. Bennett, K. Kelly, R. Collins, F. Boland, C. Mc Goldrick, S. Pavia, and K. O’Kelly, “Implementation of Problem Based Learning in a large Engineering Programme,” 3rd International Symposium for Engineering Education, pp. 214-223, 2010.
      author = {Bennett, Gareth J. and Kelly, Kevin and Collins, Ruth and Boland, Frank and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Pavia, Sara and O'Kelly, Kevin},
      title = {Implementation of Problem Based Learning in a large Engineering Programme},
      journal = {3rd International Symposium for Engineering Education},
      pages = {214-223},
      abstract = {The role of the engineer in industry has evolved, with today’s engineering businesses seeking engineers with abilities and attributes in two broad areas - technical understanding and enabling skills. Institutions within the engineering community such as Engineers Ireland, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, the Royal Academy of Engineering and members of the CDIO (Conceive Design, Implement, Operate) initiative have highlighted a need for new approaches to learning and teaching of engineering within our academic institutions. This paper reports on the recent implementation of project based design courses in both of the two engineering programmes offered by Trinity College Dublin. The projects are each carried out in small groups (typically four to six) and are virtually free of podium based teaching. Initially, the students are provided with a design brief, foundation level technical input and raw materials. The projects are developed around the principles of CDIO which represents best international practice for teaching design. The implementation of this methodology requires self-directed learning, teamwork and small group learning, culminating in the actual building and testing of a prototype. Some projects finish with a public competition which tends to generate huge excitement. The new courses have been seen to foster innovation and to provide a format that channels the student’s creative skills in a coherent and structured manner. The detail of the courses, the learning outcomes, and the resource overhead are presented as well as a discussion on the initial results from the programmes.},
      url = {},
      keywords = {Project Based Engineering, CDIO, Design},
      location = {Cork, Ireland},
      year = {2010},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] R. Simon Carbajo, M. Huggard, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Opportunistic detection of relative mobility in wireless sensor networks,” Wireless Days (WD), 2010 IFIP, pp. 1-5, 2010.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Opportunistic detection of relative mobility in wireless sensor networks},
      journal = {Wireless Days (WD), 2010 IFIP},
      pages = {1-5},
      note = {Acceptance Rate: 32.6%},
      abstract = {In highly mobile ad hoc networks the neighbourhood status evolves rapidly. Routing tables which are populated with an “out of date” view of the neighbourhood produce an overhead in the routing process which can affect the QoS of the communication and the stability of the network interconnectivity. To maintain correct network state information, periodic “Hello” messages are often employed. In many scenarios these may be expensive in terms of communication and energy. Providing a node with an ability to estimate mobility has been proposed as a mechanism for regulating the transmission of discovery “Hello” messages and for prompt updates of its neighbourhood view. In this paper, a mechanism for gauging the relative mobility of a node with respect to its neighbourhood is presented for mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. The algorithm employs a set of Bloom filters to encapsulate opportunistically eavesdropped data from neighbours. A set of mobility states is defined using a model based on the number of neighbours recently cached, a membership comparison of Bloom filters, and a probabilistic expression. The mechanism detects changes in the neighbourhood using only the available information. The evaluation of the system has been performed (using a gradient-based routing protocol) in the TinyOS simulator, Tossim.},
      doi = {10.1109/WD.2010.5657697},
      url = {},
      keywords = {filters
      mobile ad hoc networks
      mobility management (mobile radio)
      quality of service
      routing protocols
      wireless sensor networks
      Bloom filters
      TinyOS simulator
      gradient-based routing protocol
      mobile ad hoc network
      mobile wireless sensor network
      mobility estimation
      neighbourhood status
      network interconnectivity stability
      opportunistic detection
      periodic hello messages
      probabilistic expression
      relative mobility
      routing tables},
      year = {2010},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] W. Ahmed, M. Huggard, and C. Mc Goldrick, “An Application Adaptive Energy Model for Wireless Sensor Nodes,” 6-th ACM Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks, pp. 147-150, 2009.
      author = {Ahmed, Waqas and Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {An Application Adaptive Energy Model for Wireless Sensor Nodes},
      journal = {6-th ACM Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks},
      pages = {147-150},
      note = {Acceptance Rate: 23.9%},
      abstract = {The energy efficient design of wireless sensor networks necessitates optimizations at both the system and individual node level. Node-level energy conservation and power aware decisions can lead to better overall performance and may complement any power saving techniques employed in the network infrastructure. A computationally efficient, polynomial shift algorithm that enables energy aware decisions under dynamic load conditions for wireless sensor nodes is presented. The corresponding energy model accurately approximates the energy decay characteristics for applications exhibiting different energy usage profiles. It adapts to the prevailing load conditions, and can be used by applications supporting self-learnt or over-the-air reconfiguration of nodes within the wireless sensor network. The model's computational complexity is such that it can be computed in runtime configurations on the Mica family of motes.},
      doi = {10.1145/1641876.1641904},
      location = {Tenerife, Spain},
      year = {2009},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] B. Cody-Kenny, D. Guerin, D. Ennis, R. Simon Carbajo, M. Huggard, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Performance Evaluation of the 6LoWPAN protocol on MICAz and TelosB motes,” 4-th ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks (PM²HW²N 2009), pp. 25-30, 2009.
      author = {Cody-Kenny, Brendan and Guerin, David and Ennis, Desmond and Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Performance Evaluation of the 6LoWPAN protocol on MICAz and TelosB motes},
      journal = {4-th ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks (PM²HW²N 2009)},
      pages = {25-30},
      note = {ISBN:978-1-60558-621-2},
      doi = {10.1145/1641913.1641917},
      location = {Tenerife, Spain},
      year = {2009},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] C. McGoldrick, M. Clear, R. S. Carbajo, K. Fritsche, and M. Huggard, “TinyTorrents – Integrating Peer-to-Peer and Wireless Sensor Networks,” Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services, 2009. WONS 2009. Sixth International Conference on, pp. 119-126, 2009.
      author = {McGoldrick, Ciaran and Clear, Michael and Carbajo, Ricardo Simon and Fritsche, Karsten and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {TinyTorrents - Integrating Peer-to-Peer and Wireless Sensor Networks},
      journal = {Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services, 2009. WONS 2009. Sixth International Conference on},
      pages = {119-126},
      note = {Acceptance Rate: 31.9%},
      abstract = {TinyTorrents integrates Wireless Sensor Networks with the BitTorrent Peer-to-Peer protocol and is designed to respect the resource constrained environment which characterises many WSN's. This paper describes the architecture and design which underpins the TinyTorrents system and explores many of the technical challenges that arise in the fusion of such distinct data dissemination networks. The key behaviours and features of both peer-to-peer and wireless sensor networks are first explored and evaluated. TinyHop, the protocol used for inter-node routing within the WSN, is presented. Experimental resource optimization and system analysis is performed for message overhead, resource coordination, peer selection and tracker functionality. The system advertises available node and network data via both Web 2.0 service interfaces and through BitTorrent tracker networks. The system has been validated and demonstrated using multiple networks and multiple clients accessing data on a global scale.},
      doi = {10.1109/WONS.2009.4801851},
      keywords = {Web services
      peer-to-peer computing
      resource allocation
      telecommunication network routing
      transport protocols
      wireless sensor networks
      BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol
      Web 2.0 service interface
      inter-node routing
      resource constrained environment
      wireless sensor network},
      year = {2009},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] G. Pibiri, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Huggard, “Using Active Queue Management to Enhance Performance in IEEE802.11,” 5th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Computing, pp. 70-77, 2009.
      author = {Pibiri, Gianluigi and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Using Active Queue Management to Enhance Performance in IEEE802.11},
      journal = {5th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Computing},
      pages = {70-77},
      note = {Acceptance Rate: 37%. ISBN:978-1-60558-621-2},
      doi = {10.1145/1641913.1641923},
      location = {Tenerife, Spain},
      year = {2009},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] R. Shreevastav, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Huggard, “Delivering Improved QoS and Cell Throughput in UMTS Based HSDPA Networks,” 10th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, pp. 1-9, 2009.
      author = {Shreevastav, Ritesh and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Delivering Improved QoS and Cell Throughput in UMTS Based HSDPA Networks},
      journal = {10th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks},
      pages = {1-9},
      note = {ISBN: 978-1-4244-4440-3},
      abstract = {One of the main challenges in cellular wireless data networks is to meet the stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements of voice over IP (VoIP) and video streaming traffic whilst attaining high total cell throughput. In this paper, a novel two layered scheduling approach that addresses this challenge in a UMTS based HSDPA network is presented. The first layer carries out resource reservation for different traffic classes while the second layer dequeues packets on the basis of the reported channel quality indicator value and buffer occupancy. Simulation results show that the algorithm has low latency and jitter for VoIP services, whilst achieving better total cell throughput and fairness properties in comparison to several other well known scheduling algorithms. The performance of the algorithm for video streaming has also been evaluated in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR).},
      doi = {10.1109/WOWMOM.2009.5282491},
      location = {Kos, Greece},
      year = {2009},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] R. Simon Carbajo, M. Huggard, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Simulating Mobility in Pervasive WSNs Bridging the gap between ns-2 and TOSSIM 2.x,” 13-th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, pp. 247-250, 2009.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Simulating Mobility in Pervasive WSNs Bridging the gap between ns-2 and TOSSIM 2.x},
      journal = {13-th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications},
      pages = {247-250},
      note = {ISBN ~ ISSN:1550-6525 , 978-0-7695-3868-6},
      doi = {10.1109/DS-RT.2009.22},
      location = {Singapore},
      year = {2009},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] E. Perla, A. O Cathain, R. S. Carbajo, M. Huggard, and C. Mc Goldrick, “PowerTOSSIM z: realistic energy modelling for wireless sensor network environments,” Proceedings of the 3nd ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks, pp. 35-42, 2008.
      author = {Perla, Enrico and O Cathain, Art and Carbajo, Ricardo Simon and Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {PowerTOSSIM z: realistic energy modelling for wireless sensor network environments},
      journal = {Proceedings of the 3nd ACM workshop on Performance monitoring and measurement of heterogeneous wireless and wired networks},
      pages = {35-42},
      note = {Paper accounts for 12% of total download count for entire conference proceedings.},
      doi = {10.1145/1454630.1454636},
      location = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada},
      year = {2008},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • [DOI] R. Simon Carbajo, M. Huggard, and C. Mc Goldrick, “An End-to-End routing protocol for Peer-to-Peer communication in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications (MiNEMA), pp. 5-9, 2008.
      author = {Simon Carbajo, Ricardo and Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {An End-to-End routing protocol for Peer-to-Peer communication in Wireless Sensor Networks},
      journal = {Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications (MiNEMA)},
      pages = {5-9},
      abstract = {Interfacing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies with the Internet is a key requirement for making sensor data globally available. To this end, the authors have developed the TinyTorrents system; a peer-to-peer publishing and redundancy framework for the dissemination of sensor data in a reliable, redundant and self-consistent manner using torrent technology. TinyTorrents utilises a reactive routing protocol for WSNs which incorporates bidirectionality, reliability and generic communications modalities. In this paper the routing protocol, TinyHop, is presented. Tiny-Hop creates on-demand routes, is self managed and works in an end-to-end fashion. Any node in the mobile environment can establish communications with, and retrieve data from, any contactable node at any time. Thus any node can function as a base station or sink. Mobile elements (e.g. data mules) or static gateways can interconnect from different parts of the network, thereby balancing the traffic load and helping avoid network partition. The protocol has been implemented in TinyOS 2.0.2 and simulated in TOSSIM},
      doi = {10.1145/1435467.1435469},
      location = {Glasgow, Scotland},
      year = {2008},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • A. Bitorika, C. Mc Goldrick, and M. Huggard, “Rapid Aggregate Defence For Denial of Service Attacks,” IEEE Workshop on “Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation” (MonAM), pp. 1-6, 2007.
      author = {Bitorika, Arkaitz and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Rapid Aggregate Defence For Denial of Service Attacks},
      journal = {IEEE Workshop on "Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation" (MonAM)},
      pages = {1-6},
      url = {},
      location = {Toulouse, France},
      year = {2007},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Formalising research methods for graduate programs in computer science,” Frontiers In Education Conference – Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports, 2007. FIE ’07. 37th Annual, p. S4G-16-S4G-20, 2007.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Formalising research methods for graduate programs in computer science},
      journal = {Frontiers In Education Conference - Global Engineering: Knowledge Without Borders, Opportunities Without Passports, 2007. FIE '07. 37th Annual},
      pages = {S4G-16-S4G-20},
      abstract = {Traditional M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs are being supplemented by "fourth-level", integrated Ph.D. programs which seek to formalise the transition from undergraduate to postgraduate study. As well as undertaking formal modules, graduate students on these programs are expected to quickly learn how to plan, manage and conduct research. They should also know how to present the outcomes of their research in peer- reviewed publications. Moreover, they must be able to reflect critically on existing research as well as on their own findings. In the development of one such integrated Ph.D. program it was found that there is little agreement on the constituent elements of a module on computing research methods or on the pedagogical principles to be employed in the preparation and delivery of such a module. This paper reports on the design, experience and assessment of a graduate level module on research methods in computer science, documenting how it was planned and realised, reporting on the staff and student experiences, and providing both objective and subjective assessments of the module and its outcomes.},
      keywords = {computer science education
      computer science graduate programs
      computing research methods
      postgraduate study
      undergraduate study
      Computer Science
      Graduate Program
      Research Methods},
      year = {2007},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • C. Mc Goldrick and M. Huggard, Sensor Research, 2007.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Sensor Research},
      month = {20-21 February},
      year = {2007},
      type= {misc}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Computer Experience – Enhancing Engineering Education,” International Conference on Engineering Education, p. T4C-21 – T4C-25, 2006.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Computer Experience - Enhancing Engineering Education},
      journal = {International Conference on Engineering Education},
      pages = {T4C-21 - T4C-25},
      url = {},
      location = {San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA},
      year = {2006},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Incentivising students to pursue Computer Science Programmes,” Frontiers in Education Conference, 36th Annual, pp. 3-8, 2006.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Incentivising students to pursue Computer Science Programmes},
      journal = {Frontiers in Education Conference, 36th Annual},
      pages = {3-8},
      abstract = {Statistics show that the number of students enrolling in technology based degree programmes has dropped dramatically in the past number of years. There are many possible reasons for this, including misconceptions on the nature of the discipline and a media fueled perception of a lack of employment in the field. This paper reports on the design, realisation and assessment of an event designed to encourage transition year (Grade 10 equivalent) students to consider computer science as a viable career choice. It documents how the event was planned and implemented, reports on the staff and student experiences, and provides both objective and subjective assessments of the event and its outcomes},
      keywords = {computer science education
      computer science programmes
      objective assessment
      subjective assessment
      K-12 outreach
      Mobile Communications
      year = {2006},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, “Practical positioning projects: location based services in the laboratory,” Frontiers in Education, 2005. FIE ’05. Proceedings 35th Annual Conference, p. S3F-1, 2005.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Practical positioning projects: location based services in the laboratory},
      journal = {Frontiers in Education, 2005. FIE '05. Proceedings 35th Annual Conference},
      pages = {S3F-1},
      abstract = {A novel laboratory environment where final year undergraduate students are tasked with developing unique, innovative and commercially viable location based services is described. This laboratory has been developed and refined over the past five years. In this paper we detail the learning environment created, discuss the student assessment procedures and analyse the course outcomes},
      keywords = {telecommunication engineering education
      laboratory environment
      location based services
      practical positioning projects
      Computer Science Education
      Mobile Communications Laboratory},
      year = {2005},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • A. Bitorika, M. Robin, M. Huggard, and C. Mc Goldrick, A Comparative Study of Active Queue Management SchemesSCSS TR, 2004.
      author = {Bitorika, Arkaitz and Robin, Mathieu and Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {A Comparative Study of Active Queue Management Schemes},
      publisher = {SCSS TR},
      year = {2004},
      type= {misc}
    • M. Huggard and C. Mc Goldrick, Avoiding Technology Trauma: Interrelated Initiatives at TCD, 2004.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Avoiding Technology Trauma: Interrelated Initiatives at TCD},
      month = {6-7 February},
      year = {2004},
      type= {misc}
    • M. Huggard, M. Robin, A. Bitorika, and C. Mc Goldrick, “Performance evaluation of fairness-oriented active queue management schemes,” Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, 2004. (MASCOTS 2004). Proceedings. The IEEE Computer Society’s 12th Annual International Symposium on, pp. 105-112, 2004.
      author = {Huggard, Meriel and Robin, Mathieu and Bitorika, Arkaitz and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Performance evaluation of fairness-oriented active queue management schemes},
      journal = {Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems, 2004. (MASCOTS 2004). Proceedings. The IEEE Computer Society's 12th Annual International Symposium on},
      pages = {105-112},
      note = {Acceptance Rate = 32%},
      abstract = {Active queue management (AQM) schemes are a class of queueing algorithms designed to surmount some of the shortcomings of classic drop-tail queues in best effort networks. Most AQM algorithms are primarily designed to improve congestion control through early notification. However, significant work has been done on more advanced AQM schemes designed to protect responsive flows against unresponsive traffic. Such schemes are designed to identify and penalise unresponsive flows, which may use an unfair share of the available resources. We evaluate six algorithms through simulation-based experiments. The schemes chosen employ lightweight mechanisms for approximating fair bandwidth sharing. They are designed to be scalable and allow for incremental deployment in the current best-effort Internet infrastructure. Evaluation of their performance is effected under various network traffic conditions. The operational complexity of the schemes is also assessed.},
      keywords = {Internet
      bandwidth allocation
      computational complexity
      computer network management
      queueing theory
      resource allocation
      telecommunication congestion control
      telecommunication traffic
      best effort networks
      best-effort Internet
      congestion control
      drop-tail queues
      fair bandwidth sharing
      fairness-oriented active queue management schemes
      network traffic
      operational complexity
      queueing algorithms
      unresponsive traffic},
      year = {2004},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • C. McGoldrick and M. Huggard, “Peer learning with Lego Mindstorms,” Frontiers in Education, 2004. FIE 2004. 34th Annual, p. S2F-24-9 Vol. 3, 2004.
      author = {McGoldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Peer learning with Lego Mindstorms},
      journal = {Frontiers in Education, 2004. FIE 2004. 34th Annual},
      pages = {S2F-24-9 Vol. 3},
      abstract = {Reciprocal peer learning involves students learning from, and with, each other. This paper details a peer learning centred course where small teams of students design and develop a multifunctional robot using Lego Mindstorms™. In particular, it describes how students were introduced to the concept of peer learning and outlines how the learning environment was managed and sustained. Particular emphasis is placed on acknowledging and rewarding peer collaboration as part of the assessment procedures, thus encouraging active student engagement with the peer learning process.},
      keywords = {computer science education
      educational courses
      Lego Mindstorms
      multifunctional robot
      peer collaboration
      peer learning},
      year = {2004},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • C. Mc Goldrick and M. Huggard, “Building Blocks of Collaborative Learning,” Irish Engineers Journal, vol. 57, iss. 12, pp. 44-45, 2003.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Huggard, Meriel},
      title = {Building Blocks of Collaborative Learning},
      journal = {Irish Engineers Journal},
      volume = {57},
      number = {12},
      pages = {44-45},
      year = {2003},
      type= {journal}
    • J. Timoney, B. Foley, A. Schwarzbacher, and C. Mc Goldrick, “An Explicit Criterion for Adaptive Periodic Noise Canceller Robustness Applied to Feedback Cancellation,” Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference, pp. 23-26, 2003.
      author = {Timoney, Joseph and Foley, Brian and Schwarzbacher, Andreas and Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {An Explicit Criterion for Adaptive Periodic Noise Canceller Robustness Applied to Feedback Cancellation},
      journal = {Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference},
      pages = {23-26},
      url = {},
      location = {Bratislava, Slovakia},
      year = {2003},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • C. Mc Goldrick, “Image Coding using the Singular Value Decomposition and Vector Quantization,” phdthesis PhD Thesis, 1997.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran},
      title = {Image Coding using the Singular Value Decomposition and Vector Quantization},
      university = {University of Dublin, Trinity College},
      year = {1997},
      type= {phdthesis}
    • C. Mc Goldrick, W. J. Dowling, and A. Bury, “Colour Image Coding based on the SVD and Variable Rate Vector Quantization,” Irish DSP and Control Colloquium, pp. 103-109, 1995.
      author = {Mc Goldrick, Ciaran and Dowling, W. J. and Bury, Andreas},
      title = {Colour Image Coding based on the SVD and Variable Rate Vector Quantization},
      journal = {Irish DSP and Control Colloquium},
      pages = {103-109},
      location = {Belfast, Ireland},
      year = {1995},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}
    • C. S. McGoldrick, W. Dowling, and A. Bury, “Image coding using the singular value decomposition and vector quantization,” Image Processing and its Applications, 1995., Fifth International Conference on, iss. 410, pp. 296-300, 1995.
      author = {McGoldrick, Ciaran Seamus and Dowling, William and Bury, Andreas},
      title = {Image coding using the singular value decomposition and vector quantization},
      journal = {Image Processing and its Applications, 1995., Fifth International Conference on},
      number = {410},
      pages = {296-300},
      note = {ISSN: 05379989},
      abstract = {An image coder based on the singular value decomposition and vector quantization is presented. The singular values and singular vectors of the image subblocks are computed at the encoder and quantized using a novel variable bit-rate coding scheme. The performance of the coder is assessed by computer simulations},
      url = {},
      keywords = {image coding
      singular value decomposition
      variable rate codes
      vector quantisation
      coder performance
      computer simulations
      image subblocks
      singular values
      singular vectors
      variable bit-rate coding
      vector quantization},
      year = {1995},
      isbn = {ISBN},
      type= {article}